Adolescents are expected to learn content from a variety of texts. Teachers who use informational text in their lessons find that many students struggle to understand the content. This curated set of adolescent literacy resources were developed with funding from the Institute of Education Sciences and the Office of Special Education Programs to support all learners in science, social studies, and English language arts classrooms.
Download the resources here:
- Schoolwide PACT Sample Lessons for Science, Social Studies, and English Language Arts
- Resources for Improving Low Literacy Levels in Adolescents
- Self-Regulated Reading for Parents
- Self-Regulated Reading for Teachers
- Pronoun Lesson
- PACT Criteria for Success Checklist
- Get the Gist Graphic Organizer
- Comprehension Canopy Planning Guide
- Essential Word Graphic Organizer
- Get the Gist Cue Card & Partner Reading Cue Card
- Planning a Critical Reading Lesson
- Bringing Literacy Strategies Into Content Instruction – Professional Learning for Secondary Level Teachers