Many kids can’t read, even in high school. Is the solution teaching reading in every class?
Many kids can’t read, even in high School! Looking for a possible solution to promoting literacy for all learners? See how some high schools and states are experimenting with ways to integrate literacy instruction in all their classes.
What is Adaptive Intervention Model (AIM) Coaching?
Participants from Sierra Blanca ISD recently presented at the Texas Small Rural Schools Conference. The tile of the presentation is, The “POWER” of Coaching (Feb.29, 2024).
Sierra Blanca ISD participates as an OSEP funded Model Demonstration site.
Maryland State Delegate Jared Solomon visited Gaithersburg Middle School (GMS)

From left to right: Delegate Jared Solomon, Dr. Jade Wexler (University of Maryland), Ann Dolan (GMS Principal), Kathleen Jacobs (GMS Staff Development Teacher), and Jaclynn Lightley (MCPS Supervisor of Secondary English/LA)
On October 26, 2023, Maryland State Delegate Jared Solomon visited Gaithersburg Middle School (GMS) to observe the implementation of content-area literacy instructional practices. GMS has been actively utilizing AIM Coaching to support teachers in integrating these practices across the curriculum. Dr. Jade Wexler, along with county and school administration, led an insightful presentation and discussion with Delegate Solomon, delving into the school’s implementation efforts and the essential resources required to sustain school-wide literacy models.
AIM Coaching PI and partner schools discuss staffing shortages, need for instructional leaders
A special report in Education Week exploring the staffing challenges of pandemic-era schooling features AIM Coaching Principal Investigator Jade Wexler and educators from partner schools. To read the article, visit the Education Week website.
AIM Coaching’s Jade Wexler featured on Research to Practice podcast
Dr. Jade Wexler, principal investigator of AIM Coaching and associate professor at the University of Maryland, is featured in the latest installment of Glean Education’s Research to Practice podcast. In Episode 17, “Building Adolescent Comprehension Through Content Area Instruction,” Wexler discusses improving co-teaching through professional development in comprehension strategies for content area instruction—specifically, her article “Reading Comprehension and Co-Teaching Practices in Middle School English Language Arts Classrooms.”
To listen to the podcast, visit the Glean Education website.
Project AIM’s Kristabel Stark wins award for outstanding research
Project AIM team member Dr. Kristabel Stark has received the 2021 Dissertation Award for Doctoral-Level Research from the Council for Exceptional Children’s Teacher Education Division.
Stark, a post-doctoral scholar at the University of Maryland, was recognized for her research regarding the nature of special education teachers’ affective experiences. According to the Teacher Education Division, the award recognizes a doctoral student whose research “has clear implications for the preparation of educators serving students with disabilities.” Stark will present on her findings at the division’s annual convention, where she also will receive a plaque during an awards ceremony.
University of Maryland recognizes AIM Coaching researchers for National Postdoc Appreciation Week
The University of Maryland College of Education is celebrating AIM Coaching postdocs Dr. Robin Sayers of The Ohio State University and Dr. Kristabel Stark of Boston University as part of National Postdoc Appreciation Week. According to the National Postdoctoral Association, the event, which has been held annually since 2009, “recognizes the significant contributions that postdoctoral scholars make to U.S. research and discovery.”