Literacy Coaching in the Secondary Grades: Helping Teachers Meet the Needs of All Students
Jade Wexler, Elizabeth Swanson, and Alexandra Shelton
Too many adolescent learners still struggle with reading. This guide shows how to support teachers in providing effective literacy instruction in the content areas, which can be intensified as needed within a multi-tiered framework. AIM Coaching was created for grades 6–8 but is equally applicable in high school. This book gives instructional coaches an accessible blueprint for evaluating, developing, and reinforcing each teacher’s capacity to implement evidence-based literacy practices. Features include case studies, end-of-chapter reflection questions and key terms, and reproducible tools. A companion website allows users to download and print the reproducible materials—plus supplemental lesson plans and other resources.

RTI for Reading at the Secondary Level: Recommended Literacy Practices and Remaining Questions
Deborah K. Reed, Jade Wexler, and Sharon Vaughn
This book shows how to implement response to intervention (RTI) in middle and high school contexts. Detailed guidelines are presented for teaching reading comprehension, vocabulary, and other aspects of literacy across the content areas and for providing effective interventions for students who require additional support. The authors describe RTI procedures that are specifically tailored to the needs of struggling adolescent learners and that take into account the challenges and logistics of secondary-level implementation. The volume features 26 reproducible tools for planning, assessment, progress monitoring, and multi-tiered instruction.

Effective Instruction for Middle School Students with Reading Difficulties: The Reading Teacher’s Sourcebook
Carolyn A. Denton, Sharon Vaughn, Jade Wexler, Deanna Brian, and Deborah Reed
Reading problems don’t disappear when students enter middle school. Recent studies show that nearly a quarter of today’s eighth-graders aren’t able to read at a basic level. This book arms language arts teachers with the lessons, strategies, and foundational knowledge they need to resolve older students’ reading difficulties and increase their chances for academic success.
Ideal for use with struggling readers in grades 6–8, this book lays out the fundamentals of effective teaching for adolescents with reading difficulties.

Now We Get It! Boosting Comprehension With Collaborative Strategic Reading
Janette K. Klingner, Sharon Vaughn, Alison Boardman, and Elizabeth Swanson
This book offers teachers and staff developers in grades 4–12 a step-by-step guide to the acclaimed Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) program. CSR is an evidence-based approach to boosting comprehension in mixed-ability classrooms. Weaving together two instructional programs—cooperative learning and reading comprehension strategy instruction—CSR gives students the confidence they need to increase understanding and boost reading fluency.